- Metal Church is a household name in the Heavy Metal Scene! "The Human Factor" (originally released in 1991) contains the hit "Date With Poverty". Digipak with new booklet + Unseen Photos! Liner Notes from Jerry Ewing (Metal Hammer UK).
“Human Factor” is the fourth album of Metal Church. You can still count on Kurdt Vanderhoof’s distinctive arrangements. Howe steal the show with his thundering snarls and prominent choruses. The title track reveals that Metal Church hasn’t settled for anything unrecognizable and the same counts for the catchier ‘Date With Poverty." Welcome to the Ball” has its similarities in terms of in rock-fueled metal of dominating vocals and present guitars. Interestingly enough, the amount of variety between the thundering cuts like “In Due Time”, “Flee from Reality” and “The Fight Song” is limited; but still with mean-machine guitar riffs and crazy vocals. At last, Metal Church often deliver superb ballads and “In Harm’s Way” is no exception. From the serene verses to the emotionally-provocative chorus, it’s an incredible piece of work.
01. The Human Factor
02. Date With Poverty
03. The Final Word
04. In Mourning
05. In Harm`s Way
06. In Due Time
07. Agent Green
08. Flee From Reality
09. Betrayed
10. The Fight Song