- CD in 36-page mediabook limited to the first pressing.
THY CATAFALQUE deliver another spectacular musical mosaic with ninth full-length album ‘Naiv’, inspired by the “Naïve Art” movement. The project's sole mastermind, Tamás Kátai has once again assembled pieces out of such diverse genres as ambient, folklore, jazz, metal, electronica, rock, pop, wave, and other styles that each taken for itself seems not to fit easily in the other parts. But improbable musical meetings have been THY CATAFALQUE's trademark for 20 years...
A Bolyongás Ideje = A Time Of Wandering 4:55
Tsitsushka 5:39
Embersólyom = Manhawk 4:17
Számtalan Színek = Countless Colours 2:34
A Valóság Kazamatái = Casemates Of Reality 5:30
Kék Madár (Négy Kép) = Blue Bird (Four Pictures) 6:27
Napút = Path Of The Sun 3:48
Vető = Sower 8:17
Szélvész = Tempest 5:36